By: Seirra Watts-Hofstetter On Saturday, January 9 the Silver Lake Speech Team participated in a virtual speech meet held by Lexington. This year the Speech Team is coached by Teresa Schmidt and Kaitlyn Hemberger. With many hours of practice under their belts, the Silver Lake team proved that they were ready for the competition, bringing […]
Silver Lake Speech Compete at First Meet of the Season
By: Kaitlyn Hemberger Saturday, February 8th, found the Silver Lake speech team at Aurora High School. We had 9 members participate in speech events. Zane Journey presented a Humorous Prose, Jenna Strampher delivered a Poem, Brock Karr and Samantha Bonifas participated in extemporaneous speaking and AJ Niemeyer and Ashley Jensby performed a duet. Also performing […]