By Samantha Bonifas

After a year absent of homecoming traditions due to COVID-19, Silver Lake was finally able to hold a normal homecoming. The week of school spirit festivities started out with a homecoming kickoff pep rally and meal served by the POSSE at the football field. Community members from all four towns came to support the volleyball, football, cross country, and Esports team members as they entertained the crowd with challenging games such as TikTok dances and a water balloon toss. The homecoming candidates were also announced at the kickoff. Queen candidates announced were Amanda Ehrman, Trista Hanson, and Katelyn Karr. King candidates announced were Max Hammer, Brock Karr, and Oakley Rosno.
The hallways suddenly became filled with intense class rivalries on Monday as each class faced off for best dressed according to the theme of the day. The class with the most students participating receives front in the lunch line. Students came to school decked out in camo gear or dressed in their best western wear for Monday. Tuesday was dynamic duo day. Some of the many dynamic duos featured in the hallways included Bob Ross and Happy Tree, Russel and Carl from Up, Forrest Gump and Jenny, Dr. Emmett and Marty from Back to the Future, and the One Tree Hill cast. Wednesday was retro day to cooperate with the retro theme for the decorations and the dance. The 70s, 80s, and 90s decades were in full action. Each class was decked out in their own color for color war day on Thursday. Friday was school spirit day with Mustang apparel always in sight. A pep rally on Friday afternoon prepared the Mustang men to beat the Wilcox-Hildreth Falcons in the homecoming game with a score of 67-12.
Following the game, the queen candidates were paraded around the field for the coronation. Last year’s royalty, Luke Swanson and Kerigan Karr, crowned Silver Lake’s new homecoming royalty. Katelyn Karr was announced queen and Brock Karr was announced king. After the coronation, the retro-themed dance was held in Bladen, and students grooved and moved for the rest of the night.