By Maddie Karr

The Mustang boys took the floor following the girl’s game on December 2 to continue the winning streak. They kept the lead throughout the entire game and ended with a win with a score of 49-30. The Rosno brothers led the team combining together to earn 33 points total followed by sophomore Keaton Karr with 8. Senior Brock Karr and junior Jake Knehans played a huge role with 9 and 7 rebounds each.
The next night, the boys came out strong following the lead of the girls, and took the dub. The Mustangs maintained the lead each quarter, and it paid off. The final score was 59-24. Sophomore Quinn Rosno and senior Oakley Rosno, Brock Karr, and Knehans all took to the boards and led the team with points. Oakley had 24 points, 9 from 3-pointers. Knehans, Quinn Rosno, and Brock Karr all contributed 4 rebounds each.