By MaKenna Karr

On Tuesday, January 4, 2022, the Mustang Men traveled to Pleasanton, played a very good game against them, and came out on top with a final score of 56-40. Senior Oakley Rosno led the team in points with 24. Senior Brock Karr and Junior Jake Knehans both contributed 10 points each. Karr led the team in rebounds with 8. Sophomore Adrian Gomez and Knehans had 6 each.
Assistant Coach Dunn said, “The Pleasanton game was a good game for our team because we had a lot of guys step up and make shots at the varsity level. We played defense really well and the boys played great team basketball!”
On Friday, January 7, 2022, the Mustang Men faced long-time rival Blue Hill at the barn. The Mustangs played hard throughout the game, but in the end, they just couldn’t come out on top. The final score was 55-33, Blue Hill. Oakley Rosno led the team in points with 8, Sophomore Quinn Rosno had 7, and Karr, Knehans, and Freshman Casey Conway, all contributed 6 points each. Knehans led the team in rebounds with 7. Karr had 6 rebounds, and Quinn Rosno contributed 5. The Mustangs go into the Heartland Lutheran game with a 5-5 record.