The Silver Lake Cheerleaders and sponsor Cleo Mousel put on their annual cheer clinic on Saturday, January 4th. During this time the High School cheer team put on their teaching skills to pass on their cheerleading talents to the pre-k through sixth-grade students. These girls learned how to dance like a cheerleader and how to perform a few chants and cheers. These lessons were then performed at halftime of the basketball games against Blue Hill. The cheer clinic theme for 2019 was “Be Our Guest” from the loved movie “Beauty and the Beast.” On Friday, January 10th the girls put on their cheerleading shoes and performed for the crowd. Pre-k through third grade performed their dance during the girls half time with the cheer “Come on Mustangs” and the “S-L-H-S” chant. During the halftime of the boys game fourth through sixth grade performed the dance and cheer “Rowdie With a Woo” and the chant “Hey All You Mustang Fans.” Cheer Captain Seirra Watts-Hofstetter commented, “The whole clinic went very smooth. Next year we are hoping for my students to participate, but with our numbers, we had it still went great!”