By: Shaylen Beaty
Sports teams in schools are a common, if not expected, occurrence. Very rarely does a school have no more than at least three sports options for its students. However, it is not too common that one such sports team should occur online, let alone through video games. That’s right, Silver Lake has what is often known as an ‘E-Sports’ team!
In classroom #114, the history teacher, Mr. Knehans, holds a daily meetup for students of various classes. Grades 7-12 are welcome to watch and participate in the video game competitions, often which take place against students of other nearby schools.
According to Kel Knehans, the coach of the Silver Lake E-Sports team, E-Sports, simply put, is “competitive gaming against other schools in the Nebraska E-Sports league, which consists of many teams, reaching as far as Kearney and David City.” Some benefits of joining E-Sports include that “It is open for grades 7 through 12, meaning it is a perfect chance for students of different grades to socialize. Also, for students not interested in physical sports, it is a fun alternative,” states the coach.
As stated before, it is uncommon for most schools to have a digital sports team, but for those who do, it is perfect for socializing and making new friends whilst also participating in a group activity, meaning they can still learn the importance of teamwork and good sportsmanship. With that being said, perhaps your child’s constant video game playing is not as much of a time-waster as it seems!