The Silver Lake Junior High Quiz Bowl team was on fire Thursday, January 9th as they dominated Pool Play in their own Invitational competition. The young Mustangs defeated Red Cloud, Christ Lutheran, and Blue Hill in a strong showing before a great crowd of parent and grandparent supporters. In the championship round, Silver Lake lost a heart breaker to Franklin on the final question of the match. Silver Lake was led by captain, Keaton Karr, earning bonus opportunities for his team with ten correct Toss-Up questions. Clay Plambeck buzzed in correctly on five questions, Grant Young on four, and Madison Karr answered one. Team members contributing their knowledge on Bonus Questions throughout the afternoon include Sydney Bartels, Lana Swanson, Trey Vance, Katelyn Strampher, and Brandon Trausch. The Junior High team will be see their next action at the Lawrence Nelson Competition on January 29th and then on February 6th in Hastings.